Trip Safety Agreement
Each group member must read our online shuttle safety agreement to ensure that our expectations are clear!
6 Vehicles Per Day
We can arrange with the appropriate notice to move each vehicle from your desired put-in to the take-out without issues or concerns.
Each Vehicle?
We’ve moved thousands of vehicles up and down this river, and each of these details helps us. Please complete each form field accurately (no guessing).
Gas Up
The Salmon River Canyon is a remote location with the nearest fuel some 70 miles from some ramps. Please be sure to fill your vehicle up in Jordan Valley!
Please Call to Book
1 208-450-2035
Unavailable Dates (fully booked)
No Shuttles are available:
Friday, May 24th – 26th, &
Friday, May 31st – June 2nd.
No Thursday Shuttles are available.
If you book an unavailable date, we will refund you automatically without notice, DO NOT DO IT. We are working on a fully integrated booking solution, but this is what we have. This is a small operation with very high standards. However, if you book a unavailable date we may refund you without notice.

Contact Jeff
If you have questions about an unavailable date, please do not hesitate to send a message or contact Jeff.